Restless Josie

Despite a seemingly idyllic life Josie is restless. Watch while she searches for freedom and happiness while she travels the world.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Art of the Selfie

I heard a program on the CBC yesterday about the culture of narcissism. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest - all the social media web-sites are set up to create a personal brand that shines brighter than the real human behind it.

I remember when I first started my narcissistic voyage into video blogging; I was apologetic and shy. No so for long, Restless Josie quickly became an extension of my self expression and a projection of how I saw the world. It wasn't about my personal life but it was an expression of my ego. I enjoyed showing and telling people what I thought was cool and why. I also enjoyed looking good doing it. Looking back on old episodes is much like perusing your mothers old photo albums when you visit at Christmas. "Did I really wear that?" often comes up, as well as other negative self talk.

The truth is I continue to participate in an industry that I know is fraught with narcissism and worse. But, film is also full of very talented artists who are expresing beauty and creating work well worth enjoying and, ultimately, a great form of entertainment. I love it. When the record light flashes I'm transported. Everything else melts away and I'm totally focused and truly present. So, what's my point?

While I may have a job in television that requires me to constantly promote myself, almost all of us participate in social media in some form. That's stroking our ego. If we are going to be part of pop culture, how can we do it well and leave a legacy we can be proud of?

The easiest tip I can give is taking good self portraits or "the selfie". Everyone owns a cell phone with a camera. Who hasn't taken a self portrait? Well I'm hear to tell you how to take a what I perceive is a good one. Come on ladies, no more duck face please:)

I think the key is angle and lighting. Don't hold your camera below the chin and don't use flash - you're way too close for the flash to work properly. It's always best to ask someone close by to take the photo and tell them "it's for my boyfriend", or, failing that, push the camera out to full arm's length.

Now when your posing try to look as natural as possible. Using a mirror is a very good way to get this accomplished. Always take multiples. Please remember the internet is forever and future children or employers might see these photos so keep your cloths on and don't suck in your cheeks and push out your lips. No one thinks Ducks are sexy, people. Hopefully reading this blog today has made you laugh or I've been just stoking my already inflated ego for nothing;)
                                                    the art of the non-narcissistic selfie?

1 comment:

  1. Just the fact that you are conscious of the ego is something to be proud of. Now how hard can it be to push off from there and be totally selfless? Reckless!
