Restless Josie

Despite a seemingly idyllic life Josie is restless. Watch while she searches for freedom and happiness while she travels the world.

Friday, February 25, 2011

There is a reason why skate borders are the best athletes in the world.

1. They fall on pavement, (they learn how to fall properly)
2. They have extremely good balance, agility, coordination and timing.
3. They are often under paid teenage boys and girls with barely enough money for new trucks, wheels and decks and yet they keep practicing.....
4. They have mastered the art of not letting the fear stand in the way. Otherwise they would never pull huge air on vert ramps.
5. They can have crazy core strength. (Ever tried a kick flip?)
6. Ever met an old skateboarder? Enough said!

copy and past this link, it's a great skate video!

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