Restless Josie

Despite a seemingly idyllic life Josie is restless. Watch while she searches for freedom and happiness while she travels the world.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Helli-snowboard trip in the Pembertan range. YUMMY lines!

Even the worst day snowboarding is better than the best day at work. Unless, I'm filming the Restless Josie show!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

This is an image I grabbed with my iphone on my dog walk today. It was raining but mild and strangely monochromatic. Then I noticed a very large puddle in the middle of the field. Well, that's what rubber boots are for , so I ventured in. There was all these beautiful little plants pushing through and living in the puddle. On gray winter days, that little pop of color can mean hope... Beauty is everywhere you just have to be open to it:)